If you’ve noticed that your gums have started to bleed lately then you’re probably feeling a little bit worried. Bleeding gums can be really jarring and the media has filled our heads with ‘bleeding gums = tooth loss’ so there’s no wonder you're so worried. We at Smile Welling want to reassure patients that bleeding gums isn’t the be all and end all and there’s lots of steps before we even contemplate tooth loss. To put your minds at ease further we’ve put together a little guide of tackling gum disease with your dentist in Welling.
What Is Gum Disease?
Gum disease is a reaction our bodies have to the buildup of plaque and tartar on our gums. Plaque and tartar is the solidified white substance you see mainly at the lower line of your teeth, where they meet your gums. This substance is essentially made up of food particles and debris which as I'm sure you can imagine gives off a whole host of nasty germs in the mouth.
The inflammation and bleeding of the gums comes when the body is trying to fight off germs or infection in that area. It is the same principle as when a wound becomes infected. Though it feels counterproductive it is the body trying to protect itself. However, we actually want to keep our teeth and our bodies aren’t yet evolved enough to protect us in a way that doesn’t mean losing the infected area.
What Are The Other Signs?
Gum disease signs from your dentist in Welling:
The most obvious sign is of course the bleeding gums, but it’s worth noting your gums will have become inflamed, swollen and maybe sore before they start to bleed. So, if your gums have recently turned red it could be a sign of very early disease - getting them checked is always best.
Another common problem early on is bad breath that won’t go away. If you’ve recently had a change in taste or can just tell you’ve got a constant bad breath issue then again it could be a gum disease related problem.
Moving teeth is a later stage and we’d like to believe you would have seen us before this happens but when the teeth move this means the disease has really spread and is right down in the root.
What Can Be Done
In the vast majority of cases we see a trip to the hygienist is enough to start the ball rolling in the healing process. A good scale and polish is capable of working wonders and can turn diseased gums around really fast. One of the most important steps that is often neglected however, is making sure you’re addressing your oral hygiene at home too. Most people develop gum disease due to a hole in their current routine and are in need of developing better daily practices. If you’re unsure of what makes a good oral hygiene routine then you’re very welcome to speak to the dentist in Welling or hygienists when you see them. They have all the best tips and advice for a healthy smile.